There comes a time for many people when they’re facing bankruptcy and wondering what it will do to their credit report. Even if you have responsibly managed your money things can happen such as a divorce or an accident that puts you out of the workforce. Do not let people make you feel bad about […]
Category Archives: Business Bankruptcy
There are two different types of bankruptcy, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Understanding which one is right for you is as important as understanding if Filing for Bankruptcy is the right thing for to do. If you live in San Diego, CA, I strongly recommend consulting with a Bankruptcy attorney here in San Diego. They […]
If you are a small business owner and you are in financial trouble, filing for Bankruptcy Chapter 7 may be the right thing to do. With the economy going up and down, the political changes, and rising cost of living, many small businesses struggle to survive. Even if a small business makes a profit they […]